pondělí 9. srpna 2010
We Are an Image from the Future: The Greek Revolt of December 2008
Edited by A.G. Schwarz, Tasos Sagris, and Void Network
AK Press
Consider what it might feel like if July 4 in the United States were celebrated not with fireworks and barbecue but with demonstrations and occupations to achieve a further social revolution. That's what November 17 is in Greece since a student revolt in 1973 triggered the end of the dictatorship. In fact, because of the role of the students in achieving this, a law was passed by the socialist government in 1981 to establish academic asylum. Although the law has since been weakened, police are restricted from entering university campuses.
Svobodu pohybu pro imigranty
Prohlášení evropských organizací na síti Anarkismo k jejich mezinárodní kampani, která se zaměřuje na práva imigrantů:
V posledních letech začaly xenofobie, rasismus a strach z ekonomického dopadu migrantů ovládat politické debaty uvnitř mnoha evropských zemí.
Imigrace je nevyhnutelný efekt hospodářské a vojenské politiky, kterou evropské státy vedou; výsledkem společného úsilí tomu předejít je rasismus a neochota čelit důsledkům na domácí půdě.
pátek 6. srpna 2010
Dumpster Diving to End World Hunger
Growing up, I can vividly remember my parents stressing the importance of not wasting food. At every meal they insisted I clean my plate, no matter how unappetizing the night’s menu seemed. My parents insisted that it was wrong to waste food, especially when “there are children in Africa who don’t have any food to waste.” Other than images of malnourished African children, this always made me think of the homeless population of my own city. However, what rarely came to mind was how our country systematically wastes food on a large scale.
6 Αυγούστου 2010 open assemlpy in the island of gavdos occupied the port Κατηγορίες: in english — merry baby @ 16:20
a really small island east of crete .The boat dont visit much the island and people have probelms with food gas and many more things .
T day the organized an assemply
in the island where they talked and theyafter the ocuppied the port .
it is an action that many visitors of the island accept with solidarity …lots of youth visit the island .
It has beaches of sand and sand hills and everybody is a free camper down there but as we see with many problems couse of the luck of the boats ..
.some more info will come later
T day the organized an assemply
in the island where they talked and theyafter the ocuppied the port .
it is an action that many visitors of the island accept with solidarity …lots of youth visit the island .
It has beaches of sand and sand hills and everybody is a free camper down there but as we see with many problems couse of the luck of the boats ..
.some more info will come later
SECRET FREEGAN: Rescuing Food to Feed Homeless
I've gathered over $52,000 worth of food and other stuff during the last 20 months. I've discovered that most grocery stores throw out $600 worth or more of fresh food every day. They will not donate the food to the hungry because of "liability concerns" and tax issues. I've cut my family's monthly grocery bill by $300 and given the rest to feed the homeless and needy. I love following your heart, kindness, and empowering others. I call myself a Secret Freegan. My hope is that our country will learn to distribute their leftover food to the homeless so everyone is nurtured. I'm doing a little by gathering and distributing about 400 lbs. of food weekly. Thanks for visiting my blog!
Freeganism: "Ethical" eating that draws attention to global waste
by Candace Runaas
Get a "Freegan" Life!
Instead of Starving Children in Africa, Wasted Food is Feeding the College Educated
It was the day after Christmas and while most of Western culture was still reeling from the hangover of reckless spending, others may have stumbled across a startling piece of news. An article posted on December 26 in Israel's Haaretz online publication addressed an issue that is a relatively new approach to frugality. Instead of cutting coupons to save money, young social activists in Tel-Aviv are gleaning from trash receptacles.
Get a "Freegan" Life!
Instead of Starving Children in Africa, Wasted Food is Feeding the College Educated
It was the day after Christmas and while most of Western culture was still reeling from the hangover of reckless spending, others may have stumbled across a startling piece of news. An article posted on December 26 in Israel's Haaretz online publication addressed an issue that is a relatively new approach to frugality. Instead of cutting coupons to save money, young social activists in Tel-Aviv are gleaning from trash receptacles.
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