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In the past two days, local residents of the area of Keratea in Attica (Greater Athens) have been engaged in a fierce battle with riot police (MAT). The riot police are there to protect the construction of a waste burial site (HITA). Such burial sites have not only been judged to be illegal by European courts but additionally, the site in Keratea is of archeological significance.
On Saturday, riot police arrived at the site to protect the ongoing construction works from the enraged locals. Clashes quickly erupted, with locals attacking the police with sticks, stones and scores of molotov cocktails. The police responded with tear gas while for the first time ever in Greece, water cannons also made their appearance. On Sunday evening, gunshots were aimed in the direction of the police from nearby hills.
pondělí 13. prosince 2010
Wikileaks a moderní anarchistická praxe
Vždy, když korporátní média nebo mocní tohoto světa označí někoho za anarchistu, měli bysme zpozornět, protože zpravidla jde o člověka, který má s anarchismem jen pramálo společného a anarchismus v tom případě slouží jako jedna z nejodpornějších nálepek, kterou lze někomu přiřadit. A v posledních dnech zaznívá slovo anarchista častěji než jindy. Bývá totiž skloňováno v souvislosti s aférou okolo serveru Wikileaks a jeho veřejné tváře, Juliana Assange. Ten už z principu věci budí v našich řadách sympatie a nezapadá do obrázku „anarchisty v korporátních očích“, tedy zpravidla psychopatického šíleného ničitele. Trefili se tedy mocní v tomto případě do černého?
pátek 3. prosince 2010
Wikileaks, Julian Assange & Modern Anarchist Praxis
Most people could probably not name very many anarchists -- historical, contemporary, or even fictional. A few might cite artists like George Orwell or Leo Tolstoy, and fewer still will be aware of prominent historical anarchists like Emma Goldman or Peter Kropotkin. The historical impact of anarchist practice has largely been glossed over in the curriculum of government run, and compulsory, public schools. People generally aren't aware of anarchists fighting for the first labor rights in America or giving the first public talks on birth control.
čtvrtek 2. prosince 2010
Eleven years ago, beginning on November 30, 1999, a public uprising shut down the World Trade Organization and occupied downtown Seattle.
That same week in 1999, three thousand miles away in Immokalee, Florida, farmworkers carried out a five day general strike against abusive growers paying starvation wages. Two weeks ago, on November 16, 2010 those same growers – the Florida Tomato Growers Exchange representing 90 percent of the industry – publicly agreed to every one of the farmworkers “Fair Food” demands.
From morality to ethics… [part 1/3]
Posted on December 1 2010 by Francois Tremblay
Morality is fairly trivial, because we are all human beings with the same basic needs. There are areas of disagreement, but these tend to be fairly irrelevant at the moral level. Most moral disagreements are of the type “how is it not in your interest to hurt other people/become a dictator,” or similar nonsense, and are pretty easily answered (I will discuss later how these disagreements relate to one’s conception of ethics).
Morality is fairly trivial, because we are all human beings with the same basic needs. There are areas of disagreement, but these tend to be fairly irrelevant at the moral level. Most moral disagreements are of the type “how is it not in your interest to hurt other people/become a dictator,” or similar nonsense, and are pretty easily answered (I will discuss later how these disagreements relate to one’s conception of ethics).
Alfredo Bonano prepustený z väzenia (Grécko)
streda, 24. novembra 2010
V súdnom procese s Alfredom a Christosom za bankovú lúpež v meste Trikala 22. novembra bol Alfredo M. Bonnano odsúdený na 4 roky odňatia slobody (čo prakticky znamená, že s časom, ktorý si už odsedel a kvôli faktu, že je starší než 70 rokov, bol prepustený z väzenia). Christos Stratigopoulos (ktorý na seba prevzal zodpovednosť akciu) bol odsúdený na 8 rokov a 9 mesiacov a podľa gréckeho práva bude pravdepodobne prepustený koncom roku 2011
V súdnom procese s Alfredom a Christosom za bankovú lúpež v meste Trikala 22. novembra bol Alfredo M. Bonnano odsúdený na 4 roky odňatia slobody (čo prakticky znamená, že s časom, ktorý si už odsedel a kvôli faktu, že je starší než 70 rokov, bol prepustený z väzenia). Christos Stratigopoulos (ktorý na seba prevzal zodpovednosť akciu) bol odsúdený na 8 rokov a 9 mesiacov a podľa gréckeho práva bude pravdepodobne prepustený koncom roku 2011
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