pátek 22. ledna 2010

The Big Idea is a cooperative radical bookstore that utilizes a directly democratic, anarchist model. We strive to provide literature that is multicultural, women-positive, queer-positive, class-conscious, anti-militaristic, and that promotes a sustainable world and community.

We also hope to serve our community by providing a safe space for all individuals to explore radical and alternative ideas. We are a volunteer-run, not-for-profit, non-capitalist establishment.

Gas Alert! Contribution to the Critique of an Ultra-Sinister Ideology

by Jean-Patrick Manchette

Here and elsewhere, I have shown my interest in the small ultra-Left factions that have made a critique of anti-fascism one of their battle horses. When this tendency went as far as publishing Historical Truth or Political Truth? a work that supports Robert Faurisson and his affirmations of the nonexistence of the gas chambers,[1] I reviewed that work here in a, shall we say, unfavorable manner, but lukewarmly and in a benign tone.

Shortly after the attack on the rue Copernic,[2] this tendency published a text called Our Kingdom is a Prison, which was signed by a string of small Marxist and libertarian groups, and distributed it during anti-Nazi demonstrations. Reiterating the ultra-Left critique of anti-fascism, this tract more clearly than ever took up Faurisson's theses. Thus, it is no longer possible to speak of this tendency in a benign tone. It is not adequate to appeal, in a totalitarian tone [sur un ton concentrationnaire], to "isolate these sick and contagious elements," as does a counter-text that I have refused to support. We must critique these elements from the ground up, because they have become delirious. In what follows, I will use the means at my disposal, which should be sufficient to deal with these pieces of shit.


Devadesátá léta 19. století byla další zkouškou pro revoluční dělnické hnutí. 80. léta, poznamenaná ostrou perzekucí socialistů (díky zákonu proti revolucionářům z r. 1886) učinila konec izolovanosti revolučních socialistů od pracujících a levicová politická scéna se více diferenciovala. Sociální demokracie již dávno nebyla tou zmatenou pololegální straničkou a zůstala pevně ukotvena ve státotvorných marxistických pozicích. Také čeští anarchisté se začali zbavovat počáteční propagandy činem a individuálního teroru, začali se více organizovat a promýšlet svou alternativu společenského uspořádání. Doménou, co do významu pro dělnické hnutí, se stávalo odborové organizování. Vzpruhou pro celé socialistické hnutí se stal 1. máj 1890 v Praze na Střeleckém ostrově, spoluorganizovaný anarchisty. Boj s buržoazií a rakouskou monarchií se opět rozhořel…

An Angle of Vision: Women Writers on Their Poor and Working-Class Roots

Edited by Lorraine M. López
The University of Michigan Press

In An Angle of Vision, we are presented with a series of extraordinarily well-written essays centered upon one of the most taboo topics in U.S. culture: class. More specifically, we are presented with first-person, female-centered examinations of two groups who are steadily disappearing from both the public discourse and the popular culture of the United States: the poor and working class. As the myths of meritocracy and the “middle class nation” take up ever more space in the public discussions that the United States has about itself, the space assigned to these two groups shrinks. When the poor and working class do garner some attention, their stories are generally told from and distorted by a perspective completely alien from their own. They are spoken of or for, but do not truly get to speak for themselves.


sobota 9. ledna 2010

Czech court gives squatters suspended sentences, community works

Prague - Fifteen squatters, who occupied a house in Prague-Albertov last September, were given suspended sentences and community works by a district court today.

Three foreigners in the group were expelled from the Czech Republic.

The verdict can be appealed.


pátek 1. ledna 2010

Místo péef

By cecilspath

Poslední minuty roku 2009 by sváděly k bilancování… Tomu se pokusím vyhnout. Každý, kdo alespoň trochu sleduje “domácí” anarchistickou scénu a při infiltraci do nějaké pohodlné “nevládky” nebo kvaziintelektuální kasty mu úplně nezkorodoval mozek, si dovede patřičné závěry vyvodit sám. Pokud bych se měl ohlédnout trochu dál do minulosti – před nějakými deseti lety proběhlo v Praze zasedání MMF/SB. Z mého pohledu byl tohle pomyslný vrchol novodobého českého anarchistického hnutí. Bohužel, samo hnutí nebylo schopno tento potenciál účelně využít a rozvinout. Tak začala klíčit morální rakovina, jakýsi “syndrom vyhoření”, který je tolik příznačný pro realitu dnešních dní.
