čtvrtek 29. července 2010

Život v boji – švýcarský anarchista Marco Camenisch

27. Červenec 2010
Marco Camenisch je švýcarský anarchista, dlouholetý politický vězeň, který z posledních 30 let svého života celkem 20 strávil ve vězení a zbývajících 10 na útěku a v ilegalitě. V roce 2012 nastane po mnoha letech možnost jeho podmínečného propuštění. Anarchisté po celém světě proto začali systematicky upozorňovat na jeho případ, kdy byl Marco v několika závažných kauzách odsouzen na celkem 39 let vězení. Několik evropských skupin Anarchistického černého kříže zahájilo 19. července v rámci Akčního dne na podporu Marca Camenische kampaň za jeho propuštění.

sobota 10. července 2010


PROMÍTÁNÍ – SQUAT MILADA Promítání dosud nezveřejněného záznamu jednání s ředitelkou Ústavu pro informace ve vzdělávání Pavly Zieleniecové po vyklizení squatu Milada. Ta paní si neskutečně sere do huby.

Freegans take recycling to an extreme

West side group survives on free food, goods

Updated: Thursday, 08 Jul 2010, 7:22 PM EDT
Published : Thursday, 08 Jul 2010, 7:48 AM EDT

* George Richert
* Posted by: Emily Lenihan

BUFFALO, N.Y. (WIVB) - They're called "freegans," and they're taking recycling to the extreme.

You may have heard of vegans, who take vegetarianism to an extreme. Freegans take getting free stuff to an extreme, and yes even their food comes from dumpsters.

"It's like a big hippie hole over there," said Rich Bailey, the freegans' neighbor.

Some neighbors see them as hippies, but they'd rather be known as freegans.

čtvrtek 8. července 2010

Freeganism:Schatten uit de "afval"-container.

Een reportage over de regelrechte opzettelijke verspilling van voeding in onze consumptiemaatschappij. Voedsel. Van de 150.000 à 200.000 jaar dat er moderne mensen (Homo sapiens) leven op deze planeet, hebben ze de langste tijd hiervan geleefd als jager-verzamelaars. Homo sapiens verspreidde zich uit Afrika over de rest van de wereld tussen 120.000 en 60.000 jaar geleden

Een koelkast gevuld met "afval" uit de container,...

Een leven als jager-verzamelaar stond in het teken van overleven. Door op pad te gaan voor het verzamelen van eetbare wilde planten en het jagen op dieren, zorgden zij elke dag weer voor voldoende voedsel.

Viagra, hovno a společenský řád

Globálně-kapitalistický svět plný usměvavých lidí, kteří si ve svobodné společnosti mohou plnit jakékoliv sny, nemá zuřivějšího ani inteligentnějšího nepřítele, než je dvaašedesátiletý Slavoj Žižek.

Marxistický psychoanalytik působící na Lublaňské univerzitě si našel globální publikum až během posledních dvaceti letech, kdy píše a přednáší v angličtině. Nemůže za to jen komický přízvuk a fekální témata, které snadno utkví v paměti. Žižek má ze své extrémně levicové pozice tak velký odstup od „normálního světa“, že vás jeho postřehy zaujmou, i když si nenecháte ujít žádnou autogramiádu Václava Klause v okruhu 100 kilometrů.

středa 7. července 2010

Should You Try An Eco-Friendly Diet?: Vegetarians, Vegans, Raw Foodies and Freegans

Ever hear of FreeCycle.com where you can get rid of, or get stuff, for free? That’s part of a freegan lifestyle. As the New York Times reports, freegans are “scavengers of the developed world, living off consumer waste…to minimize the support of corporations...and their impact on the planet.” Freegans do not buy anything, but rather pick through the trash of supermarkets or work with stores or restaurants to pick up surplus food free of charge.

Trouble looms over squatting ban, from official sources

Friday 04 June 2010

The public prosecution department will not change its policy towards squatters even though squatting is to be made illegal, the Volkskrant reports on Friday.

'We are not going to order evictions in order to leave property empty,' a spokesman for the national department was quoted as saying in the paper.

The senate, or upper house of parliament, passed the anti-squatting bill on Tuesday and it is set to come into effect by October.


It is up to local police chiefs, mayors and public prosecution departments to determine how the ban on squatting will be dealt with.

The mayors of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht and The Hague said earlier they opposed the ban on squatting, which will particularly affect the big cities.

In Utrecht, the city council has already passed a motion to be 'reticent' in implementing the legislation.


In Amsterdam, a public prosecution department spokesman said the city could have to be cautious with its use of police manpower because 'the riot police are very expensive'.

'We want new squats to be tackled immediately and that existing squats are dealt with according to a roster,' Liberal MP Brigitte van der Berg, one of the MPs behind the ban, said.

While admitting it is up to the public prosecution department to decide what action to take, she said: 'there need to be very strong arguments not to intervene'.

© DutchNews.nl

Squatting in Amsterdam

Squatting started in the sixties, but with tens of thousands of people looking for a place to live the practice became popular in Amsterdam and other big cities during the seventies and early eighties.

úterý 6. července 2010

"Social Intelligence" and "Emotional Intelligence"

by Daniel Goleman
Both are recommended, and both have surprising intersections with social justice, albeit with the subject matter of Social Intelligence lending itself more naturally to collective issues. The links to them are Here and Here. The bottom line is that we are set up to be social beings, who thrive or die based on the level of support from the community that we receive. There are several systems at work in our brains, a Low Road that's based on instinctual and impulsive responses and a High Road that can defuse the Low Road through critical thought about situations, as well as a sort of social brain that's tuned into how other people respond to us in our daily lives. If we receive emotional support we can not only feel better about ourselves as people, more connected, less alienated, but can also defuse our Low Road, which otherwise disengaged can lead to selfish and in fact psychopathic behavior. The message is that our current economy praises the Low Road: people get ahead by being mean and vicious, not being sensitive to others' needs but instead pursuing their own self interest and their own sadism above anything else. One could say that our culture breeds psychopaths, in the boardroom as well as in the streets, as the book "American Psycho" by Brett Easton Ellis so lovingly portrays. And what about our streets? We're breeding a culture of people desensitized to violence who are encouraged to pig out on the sexual stimulation of porn at every juncture, leading to a warped sensibility about women and about the world in general. We're teaching them that violence and selfishness is cool, that it's gangster, with the biggest consumers of gangster rap not being folks from the inner city itself but from the suburbs who are white and come from privileged backgrounds. Consumerism feeds instant gratification, which compromises our impulse control, helping make us servants of desire instead of its master.

Review: International Socialist Review on “Contemporary Anarchism”

by Tom Wetzel

The word “anarchism” is a rather vague word that covers such a wide variety of political views and approaches it is often hard to see how they have anything in common. This means it is also probably not very productive to produce “critiques” of anarchism that lump the many different viewpoints together. This problem is on display in the most recent critique of “contemporary anarchism” offered up by the International Socialist Organization in their magazine ISR. A weakness of the article is that it offers only brief pit stops at the various anarchist or libertarian socialist tendencies.

Unlike some previous ISO critiques, this article, written by Eric Kerl, does make an effort to discuss the historically dominant form of libertarian socialist politics — revolutionary syndicalism and, in general, forms of libertarian socialism oriented to working class struggle and mass organizing. But it’s treatment is superficial.

Algo sobre los Medios de Desinformación Masiva.

En las tardes al ver la televisión no puedo más que asombrarme del trato de la información en los medios de comunicación masiva. Especialmente esa forma de manipular espectacularmente aquellas noticias que resultan incomodas por su naturaleza.

Toronto G20: Eyewitness Report

From Crimethinc

Our last update offered an overview of what happened in Toronto during the anarchist actions against the G20 June 25-27. We’ve received the following blow-by-blow report from on the ground there, offering context and analysis from inside the riots that shook Canada’s largest city. Anarchists have fully emerged in North America as a force to be reckoned with following the events in Toronto, and it is important to understand how this came about. The black bloc has become a household name throughout the region, and we must use this exposure to our advantage by maintaining our visibility even in the face of repression. We must also look critically at the events of the weekend in order to make strategic advances toward our goal of completely dismantling the domination and hierarchy of the present world.


The June G20 meeting was announced for Toronto in December of 2009. While anarchists were already preparing for the G8 in Huntsville, the announcement that a major summit would be held in the downtown core of Canada’s largest city created a stir among anarchists, and generated significant momentum for counter-summit actions to take place in Toronto. To our knowledge, anarchists participated in three basic models of organizing against the G20. We will briefly outline these to offer context to those seeking to understand the successes and failures of the Toronto protests.



Od dôb osvietenstva je jednou z najkľúčovejších spoločenských hodnôt – pokrok. Celé moderné dejiny sa interpretujú ako cesta pokroku, ktorý prináša lepšie životné podmienky pre široké masy, vedecko-technické napredovanie, rast individuálnej slobody, rozširovanie demokratických práv, skrátka, celospoločenský progres. Keď sa však lepšie pozrieme na dejiny 19. a 20. storočia, zisťujeme, že kapitalizmus len ťažko definovať neustálym pokrokom. Skôr možno hovoriť o večnom návrate k ranému kapitalizmu, ktorý bol typický svojou neľudskosťou a brutalitou.

pondělí 5. července 2010

Mliečna kríza: daň za dereguláciu a produktivizmus

Kríza žánru | Le Monde diplo | Matthieu Cassez, Aurélie Trouvé | 05.07.2010

Minulú jeseň sa Francúzskom, Nemeckom a ďalšími európskymi krajinami prehnal výnimočný « mliečny protest ».

Zastavenie dodávok trvalo štrnásť dní a mobilizácia podľa hnutiu nenaklonenej väčšinovej Národnej Federácie Odborov Poľnohospodárskych Výrobcov (FNSEA) dosiahla 7 % výrobcov, kým podľa Združenia Nezávislých Výrobcov Mlieka (APLI) viac ako 50%. Táto organizácia, založená v roku 2009, ktorá spustila protestné hnutie organizáciou mnohých akcií : manifestácie, rozlievanie mlieka na poliach, jeho rozdávanie obyvateľstvu, privodila zmenu v atmosfére, ktorá doteraz vládla v profesii…

Rough Guide to Thessaloniki July 4th, 2010

Holidaying in Greece this year? Lucky you. Be sure and visit barthelonika restaurant, 3 Venizelou Str in the Rogoti Arcade, 1st floor, tel. 2310 225 242.

Is the food there good? It ought to be, since the workers there have fired their boss and intend to run it themselves:

Two weeks ago the owners of the restaurant announced us that the establishment was not going well and that it would close down for the three summer months – and further, that it was uncertain wether it would reopen in September and how many of us would work – and under what working conditions. They also announced us that all the workers at the restaurant would be fired immediately while firing compensations would only start to be paid out in October… that is, of course, if they had any money to pay the compensations out.

[...] The restaurant Barthelonika will be under our control, through our general assembly. Decisions concerning its running will be taken by majority and will be respected by all us co-workers. Whatever remains from profit after expenses will be distributed equally among all co-workers.

Razzia policière au G20

Manifestation du 1er juillet à Montréal pour dénoncer la répression politique au G20

Du 25 au 27 juin, Toronto a pris les allures d’un État policier, rappelant durement la Crise d’Octobre, afin d’accueillir un sommet du G20. Il est tout à fait pitoyable de constater que les médias de masse n’aient pratiquement pas couvert les motivations et points de vue des plusieurs milliers de manifestants et manifestantes altermondialistes qui ont convergé de l’ensemble des provinces. À la place, les photos de destruction des futiles marchandises de symboles du grand capitalisme sauvage comme les chaînes antisyndicales McDonald, Starbucks et Tim Hortons et de la police de Toronto, qui a pratiqué un très violent profilage politique et linguistique envers les gens qui exerçaient en fin de semaine leur devoir de manifester, ont fait les manchettes à la manière de revues porno pour gonfler les ventes.

Property is impossible?

We're getting closer to the river's edge, but we're not quite prepared to "take our draught" yet.

It has always seemed to me that libertarian property theory is prone to leaping straight to property's defense—the occasions for legitimate use of force—without lingering overlong on just what it is defending. The broader the discussion—and terms like "left-libertarian" and "market anarchist" attempt to cover pretty broad swathes of ideological territory—the more pronounced the problem. The left-libertarian theory of a "spectrum" of abandonment theories seems to me pretty sound, and useful, but I have my doubts that you could accomplish the same sort of semi-accord on the acquisition end of things. There's probably a "spectrum" of positions on property acquisition, but the differences are of a different character than those relating to abandonment. Abandonment, after all, is a matter of individual intention or attention. We may differ over how inattentive or dismissive of one's property one has to be before abandoning the rights associated with it, but we can pursue the question at great lengths without ever calling into question the very possibility of property.

AUKU & SEJARAH KEBANGKITAN MAHASISWA ‘60AN – Public Lecture oleh Fahmi Reza

fahmi is literally a “punk rock” h*storian. he makes h*story fun and fresh with sex pistol music as soundtrack and flashy colourful graphics. unfortunately, he is somehow known as the infamous filmmaker of “10 tahun sebelum merdeka”, the cult documentary on malaya, the alternative constitution, and the “unwritten”, “unspoken”, “untold” h*story. i just think he is a lot more than just that film. anyways, he has moved on, i think. so now, he is talking about the student movement in the 60′s. so he is doing this public lecture thing on AUKU and the student movement in the 60′s. having done some research on the issue myself, i can tell that it was an interesting period. the environment was totally different. students had autonomy and was part of major decision-making processes and were not puppets of the adminstration. also the ethnic and religious divide was not as apparent as it is now which i personally find very interesting.

the 60′s was also the height of socialism, marxism, che guevara, maoism, and the likes. so a lot of the students were politically conscious and their statements and actions were also very much driven by their ideologies. it was not uncommon to see a bunch of students from UM to talk about how capitalism is ruining the lives of people and how the state should distribute wealth equally. anyways, it is a lot more interesting coming from fahmi than from me. so check out the details on the flyer and attend the lectures if you can!


neděle 4. července 2010


This last week has been witness to some of the most powerful protests that Toronto has ever seen. We saw rallies for the environment, queer liberation, disAbility rights, indigenous sovereignty, economic and migrant justice, community power, and more. The state responded to these actions as its internal logic dictated it must. When people reached out for more control over their lives, the marginalizing state struck back with vicious force. As an institution established by violence, perpetuated by violence, and sustained by violence, its response could only be violent. Martial law descended on our city. The cops arrested anyone and everyone they chose to. The riot squad punched pacifists and stampeded demonstrators. They detained 1100 people. Our friends were locked in cages, denied food, water and toilet paper, humiliated and degraded. The officers stood by, abused and taunted, and said they were just doing their job, as do the Eichmanns of every generation.


Two new anarchist journals online

July 1st, 2010

I love magazines! These are available online and this is just a plug not a review. More substantive thoughts after I get time to look at them.

First, neighbours Workers Solidarity Movement have a new political magazine, The Irish Anarchist Review.

This magazine will explore ideas and practical struggles that can teach us about building a revolutionary movement today. We decided to cease printing Red & Black Revolution, and start this project, aimed at provoking debate and discussion among anarchists and the left. For this purpose, we will be pursuing a non-sectarian approach, taking ideas from various left currents, mainstream discourse, and reflections on experiences of life and struggle.

And from the USA, Workers Solidarity Alliance present Ideas & Action online:

It is our desire to make ideas & action a vibrant forum for insight and analysis from a class struggle anarchist point of view. Since we all learn from each other’s arguments and experiences, we hope ideas & action will contribute to raising the understanding of the movement as a whole and aid in developing a collective approach towards the struggles of our class. We invite broad participation in the project.

All the best with these projects.