pondělí 5. července 2010

AUKU & SEJARAH KEBANGKITAN MAHASISWA ‘60AN – Public Lecture oleh Fahmi Reza

fahmi is literally a “punk rock” h*storian. he makes h*story fun and fresh with sex pistol music as soundtrack and flashy colourful graphics. unfortunately, he is somehow known as the infamous filmmaker of “10 tahun sebelum merdeka”, the cult documentary on malaya, the alternative constitution, and the “unwritten”, “unspoken”, “untold” h*story. i just think he is a lot more than just that film. anyways, he has moved on, i think. so now, he is talking about the student movement in the 60′s. so he is doing this public lecture thing on AUKU and the student movement in the 60′s. having done some research on the issue myself, i can tell that it was an interesting period. the environment was totally different. students had autonomy and was part of major decision-making processes and were not puppets of the adminstration. also the ethnic and religious divide was not as apparent as it is now which i personally find very interesting.

the 60′s was also the height of socialism, marxism, che guevara, maoism, and the likes. so a lot of the students were politically conscious and their statements and actions were also very much driven by their ideologies. it was not uncommon to see a bunch of students from UM to talk about how capitalism is ruining the lives of people and how the state should distribute wealth equally. anyways, it is a lot more interesting coming from fahmi than from me. so check out the details on the flyer and attend the lectures if you can!


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