neděle 31. října 2010
Another Communique from the movement in France-english translation
Here is a translation of the most recent communique from an assembly that has been occurring in Paris. Please post and distribute (posting is extremely helpful) This communique was distributed as a flyer at a demonstration in Paris today. There are more communiques to come as soon as they are translated.
pátek 29. října 2010
"Freegans" Make Odd Statement with "Perfectly Good" Food
posted by Huy Dang at 10/25/2010 03:49:00 PM
FreegansDumpster diving is far from a fad with UNC-Charlotte students, but 20-year-old Kaitlyn Tokay and her friends say it's catching on.
A self-described community activist, she began digging through grocery store trash bins in May and blogging on Facebook about the "perfectly good" food she found, cooked and ate. It was meant to be a month-long experiment, to expose society's continued wastefulness, even in a recession.
But five months later, Kaitlyn Tokay is still at it, only now she's part of a team. And as for her blog, readership is at 1,600 and growing.
FreegansDumpster diving is far from a fad with UNC-Charlotte students, but 20-year-old Kaitlyn Tokay and her friends say it's catching on.
A self-described community activist, she began digging through grocery store trash bins in May and blogging on Facebook about the "perfectly good" food she found, cooked and ate. It was meant to be a month-long experiment, to expose society's continued wastefulness, even in a recession.
But five months later, Kaitlyn Tokay is still at it, only now she's part of a team. And as for her blog, readership is at 1,600 and growing.
Jedeme v tom všichni
V poslední době se mezi zbytky anarchistického hnutí objevily zárodky debaty o příčinách jeho současného tristního stavu. Analyzovat jeho příčiny, poznat je a vytyčit si z něj cestu ven je v současnosti asi naším nejdůležitějším úkolem. Poslední příspěvek do této debaty se objevil na serveru, ale podle mého názoru míří špatným směrem. Následující řádky jsou mou odpovědí na tento text...
Jan Hanuš bloguje
Jan Hanuš bloguje
Update on Simos Seisidis situation
Ten days ago Simos put on his artificial leg (c-leg) which was bought for 37.000 euro with the contribution of the whole movement. It takes a few months until he learns how to use it perfectly.
Ten days ago Simos put on his artificial leg (c-leg) which was bought for 37.000 euro with the contribution of the whole movement. It takes a few months until he learns how to use it perfectly.
sobota 9. října 2010
Rozbrat Collective: "Solidarity Beyond Borders" info tour

he Rozbrat collective originated in regular squat that was occupied in 1994 in the town of Poznan. It started as a squat where people could live and organize some punk concerts, but has grown to be a very active political-social center. It is one of the most important and interesting places on the anarchist map of Poland. The Rozbrat collective initiates plenty of activities but is under threat of eviction since the beginning of 2009. However, the Rozbrat collective has since then won two battles to keep the squat. The first battle was in May 2009 and the second one in March 2010. The protests were quite large according to polish standards. The one in 2009 had around 1500 people joining in and in 2010 there were around a 1000 people. This second demo had a more militant character. Until now potential buyers are afraid to buy the ground where the Rozbrat squat is situated.
Saturday 09.10.2010
21:00 Info evening (movies and discussion)
Wandelweg 60,
Organized by Zaanse Anarchistische Groep
Sunday 10.10.2010
19:00 dinner
20:00 info evening (movies and discussion)
After concert
Hornweg 6
Amsterdam (industrial terrain)
Organized by ADM
Monday 11.10.2010
19:00 dinner
20:00 info evening (movies and discussion)
Autonoom Centrum
Willem Van Outhoornstraat 17
The Hague
Organized by Autonoom Centrum Den Haag
Wednesday 13.10.2010
18:30 Soepcafé (with salads and bread)
20:30 info evening (movies and discussion)
Politiek Eetcafé "de Klinker":
Van Broeckhuysenstraat 46
Organized by Anarchistische Groep Nijmegen
Thursday 14.10.2010
20:00 info evening (movies and discussion)
Infoladen Aachen
stephanstrasse 24
Aachen, Germany
(the infoshop/laden is on 2th floor so there is a bell that you have to ring)
Organized by Infoladen Aachen
Friday 15.10.2010
19:00 dinner
20:30 info evening (movies and discussion)
Knoflook squat
Havendijk 3
Den Bosch
Organized by Knoflook
Saturday 16.10.2010
19:00 info evening (movies and discussion)
Ubica squat
Ganzenmarkt 24
Organized by Anarchistische Kollektief - Utrecht
Sunday 17.10.2010
19:00 vegan food
20:00 Zbuntowani ( The Rebels ) - acoustic solo punk
20:30 info evening (movies and discussion)
1e Schinkelstraat 16
tram 2, end of Vondelpark
Organized by Anarchistische Groep Amsterdam/ Vrije Bond
Mediations Biennale: "Poznan is not a company" exhibition about gentrification in National
Museum. Michelle Teran, canadian artist prepared the exhibition in cooperation with the Rozbrat Collective:
Movie from demo 2009:
Movie from action "City is not a company!" - 37 anarchists detained in Poznan after clashes with cops (with english subtitles):
Movie from demo 2010 (english):
středa 6. října 2010
What Is A Freegan And What Type Of Lifestyle They Have
October 4, 2010 author Comments off
One sub culture in several westernized societies is known as Freeganism. It’s not a well-known term yet, however in recent years has become very popular with different internet documentaries and web sites on-line spreading this ideas.
What is a Freegan?
Although these kinds of definitions might be to some extent argued, these are folks who usually obtain assets to live on through non-traditional means by simply minimizing the waste of other people and ultizing it themselves. To put it differently, these people take your trash and put it to use themselves.
One sub culture in several westernized societies is known as Freeganism. It’s not a well-known term yet, however in recent years has become very popular with different internet documentaries and web sites on-line spreading this ideas.
What is a Freegan?
Although these kinds of definitions might be to some extent argued, these are folks who usually obtain assets to live on through non-traditional means by simply minimizing the waste of other people and ultizing it themselves. To put it differently, these people take your trash and put it to use themselves.
úterý 5. října 2010
October 2010 Freegan Events in New York
From: cindy
Subject: [freegannyc-events] October freegan events
To: FreeganNYC-Events@...
Date: Monday, October 4, 2010, 12:34 AM
If you come to an event & can’t find us, call Janet: (347) 724-6954 unless another contact number is listed in the event details.
More info? ask@... *
Monday, October 4th • Freegan Meeting, Freeganism 101 & Trash Trailblaze
Join us for an organizational meeting to report on working group activities and discuss and decide on policies and activities. Meetings are for volunteers and people interested in volunteering. At 9pm, we will end our business meeting, and have a brief introductory discussion about freeganism. Newcomers are always welcome and encouraged to attend our full meeting, but if you just want an introduction to freeganism, you can come just for the Freeganism 101 discussion. After, we will explore the area’s wasted food and other goods. This tour is of a new area to us, and is for foragers interested in helping explore an area we are less familiar with to add to our list of locations to recommend to others. The meeting and tour are NOT open to media.
When & Where? Meet at 7:30pm at the public atrium at 590 Madison Avenue at 57th Street in Manhattan (formerly the IBM building). To come just for the tour, meet us at 9:30pm just outside the atrium.
Monday, October 18 • Freegan Meeting, Freeganism 101 & Trash Tour
Join us for an organizational meeting to report on working group activities and discuss and decide on policies and activities. Meetings are for volunteers and people interested in volunteering. At 9pm, we will end our business meeting, and have a brief introductory discussion about freeganism. Newcomers are always welcome and encouraged to attend our full meeting, but if you just want an introduction to freeganism, you can come just for the Freeganism 101 discussion. After, we will explore the area’s wasted food and other goods. We give advice on how to salvage these goods and comment on the reasons for such waste. The meeting is NOT open to media, but the tour WILL be open to media that has scheduled in advance.
When & Where? Meet at 7:30pm at the Sakia public atrium, 160 Park Ave. at 42nd St., right across from Grand Central train station in Manhattan. To come just for the tour, meet us at 9:30pm at the northwest corner of 38th St. and 3rd Ave.
Tuesday, October 19 • Freegan Feast
A FREE and mostly vegan community meal made with love from the discards of our wasteful society. We share meal planning, cooking, and other food prep skills, tell stories and jokes, meet new people and reconnect with old friends, and generally unplug from the current world order as we build community. Media WILL be welcome with appointment.
When & Where? RSVP (at least a day ahead) to Janet at (347) 724-6954 for the location. Meet at 5pm to help cook and around 8pm to help eat (and cleanup!)
Sunday, October 24 • Wild Foraging Tour
Join freegan forager Zaac on a guided walk and learn to identify the common flora that surrounds us. Familiar with some of most local, gourmet, and healthy food in the city, Zaac will be sharing first hand experience, including a bicycle trip from the Florida tropics up to the Quebecan tundra on primarily found calories. Bring a bag and anticipations of collecting hickory nuts, roots for tea, small fruits, and mushrooms.
When & Where? 11am-2pm. Meet at 11, at the stone benches at the Grand Army Plaza entrance of Prospect Park in Brooklyn. (Take the 2 train to Grand Army Plaza or the Q train to 7th Ave.) If you have trouble finding us, call Zaac at (203) 571-8866.
Tuesday, October 26 • Media Working Group Meeting
Come to a meeting of the media working group! We'll discuss upcoming media, pending stories, media tracking and media strategy. This meeting is open to everyone who is interested in working with the media, or in working behind the scenes to help with our media interactions. The working group could use some new energy, so please come!
When & Where? Meet at 7pm at the Sakia public atrium, 160 Park Ave. at 42nd St., right across from Grand Central train station in Manhattan.
Sunday, October 31 • Halloween Really Really Free Market
The Really Really Free Market is a bazaar & celebration, where we discard capitalist notions of interaction and have fun trying new models of exchange. Expect and share free food, skills, clothing, books and fun! For more information, contact getyourfreeon@... . If you’d like to help and others gather and prepare food, contact ask@...
When & Where? 3-7pm at Judson Memorial Church at 55 Washington Square South in Manhattan. They won’t be letting folks in early, unless you are signed up ahead of time to volunteer - so either show up at or after 3pm, or contact them at getyourfreeon@... to sign up to help set up!
Freegan Bike Workshop and Sewing Workshop temporarily on hold!
Sadly, because of a eviction of the 123 Community Space, the bike workshop and sewing workshop will not be regularly scheduled while they search for new locations. Check back to see future workshop plans! If you know of a cheap Bed-Stuy basement for rent, let us know!
Ongoing Sustainable and Freegan Events
Lower East Side Ecology Center accepts organic material for composting (fruit and vegetable peelings, cut flowers and similar organic material). LESEC has drop-off bins at the Union Square Greenmarket (Mon, Wed, Fri, & Sat. from 8am-5pm), or drop off at the center on E. 7th St. btwn. Aves. B & C on Sundays, 8am - 5pm. For more info (and summer composting workshops) see
The W. 181st St. Beautification Project has compost drop-off at the garden at 880 W. 181st St. in Washington Heights.
The W. 124th St. Community Garden has compost drop-off at the garden on W. 124th St. between 5th and Lenox in Harlem. More info and hours:
6/15 Green is a public compost site where the general public is invited and encouraged to add compostables during open hours: Tuesdays 3-5pm, Thursdays 6-8pm, Saturdays 10am-2pm, and Sundays 4-8pm, or whenever the gate is open. At the Green Community Garden at 6th Avenue & 15th Street in Park Slope, Brooklyn.
Computer and Electronics Recycling
Per Scholas is a recycling facility in Hunts Point that allows individuals to drop off residential computer & electronic equipment. They accept equipment Mon. to Fri. 9am-4pm at 1575 Bronx River Ave. in the Bronx. For more information, see
The Lower East Side Ecology Center will host e-waste recycling events this month:
10/2, 10am-4pm, Brooklyn Bridge Park, Pier 1, Furman Street between Old Fulton and Doughty St., Brooklyn;
10/2, 10am-4pm, The New New York, Bond Street between 3rd and 4th Streets, Brooklyn;
10/3, 10am-4pm, Delancey Street between Chrystie and Forsyth Street, Manhattan;
10/9, 10am-4pm, Tekserve, 119 W. 23rd Street, Manhattan.
Visit for more info.
Plastics Recycling
Park Slope Food Co-op accepts many plastics for recycling that are NOT collected by the city. They accept: #1 and #6 transparent plastics (but NOT bottles, which NYC recycles), #5 plastics (remove any paper labels), and clear plastic film only. All plastics must be CLEAN AND DRY. They’re open every month on the 2nd Sat, 10am-2pm; the 3rd Thurs, 7pm-9pm; & the last Sun, 10am-2pm. The co-op is at 782 Union St. (btwn. 6th & 7th Aves.) in Park Slope. See:
Whole Foods now accepts #5 plastics and Brita filters (bagged after being allowed to dry out for 3 days) at their stores at Union Square, Columbus Circle, Greenwhich St. Columbus Ave, 7th Ave, and Houston St.
Weekly Bike Repair Workshops by Times Up
Times Up! bike repair workshops in two locations! See for more info.
MANHATTAN WORKSHOPS are at ABC No Rio, at 156 Rivington St. in the Lower East Side.
Tuesday: Bike Repair Workshops: 6:30pm. Learn to fix bikes, do simple maintenance & tune-ups.
Thursday: Fix Your Bike Workshop: Every Thurs, 6:30 p.m. Share skills and fix up your own bike.
BROOKLYN WORKSHOPS are at the Brooklyn space at 99 South 6th St, off Bedford Ave.
Monday: Women & Trans Bike Repair Workshop: 6:30pm. No previous experience required.
Wednesday: Fix Your Bike Workshop: 6:30 p.m. Share skills and fix up your own bike.
Sunday: Bike Repair Workshops: Lessons from 4-6 p.m., Open Workshop from 6-8 p.m.
The Monday, Tuesday and Sunday Bike Repair Workshops will all follow the same schedule for instruction:
1st Sunday- Basics for Beginners
2nd Sunday- Brakes and Gears
3rd Sunday- Cups, Cones, and Bearings
4th Sunday- Wheels and Spokes
Sunday, October 17 • Sewing Rebellion
The Sewing Rebellion is a protest in the form of a skill share, where participantsare invited to emancipate themselves from dependence on the global garmentindustry by learning (and sharing) the skills to produce, alter and mend their own garments.The Sewing Rebellion encourages the reuse, renovation and recycling of existing garments and textiles in the creation of unique clothing tailored to individualtastes and body shapes. For more info, see
When and Where? From 4 to 6:30pm at Spacecraft, at 355 Bedford Avenue, between South 4th and South 5th Streets in Williamsburg, Brooklyn – take the L to Bedford or the J train to Marcy.
Textile Recycling
Of course, the best thing to do with clothes and other textiles is to reuse them! BUT, if you have scraps that can’t be used even one more time, there is textile recycling (see for more info):
Fridays: 8am-2pm at the 97th St. Greenmarket, 97th & Columbus in Manhattan
Saturdays: 8am-6pm at the Union Square Greenmarket in Manhattan;
8am-4pm at the Grand Army Plaza Greenmarket in Brooklyn;
8am-3pm at the Inwood Greenmarket on Isham St between Seaman & Cooper in Manhattan;
8am-3pm at the Fort Greene Greenmarket in Washington Park at DeKalb in Brooklyn; and
8am-2pm at the McCarren Park Greenmarket on Bedford & Lorimer in Greenpoint, Brooklyn.
Sundays: 8am-4pm at the Tompkins Square Greenmarket, E. 7th St. & Ave. A; and
8am-3pm at the Jackson Heights Greenmarket, 34th Ave. between 77th and 78th Streets.
Mondays: 8am-6pm at the Union Square Greenmarket in Manhattan
Food Not Bombs
Food Not Bombs in Manhattan offers a vegetarian meal share (using donated food that would otherwise be wasted) Sundays at 3:30pm in Tompkins Square Park. Help cook at ABC No Rio, 156 Rivington St. btwn. Clinton & Suffolk at 1pm. More info: fnb@... or (212) 254-3697 ext. 27
Bed-Stuy Food Not Bombs is currently looking for other cooking spaces after the eviction of the 123 Community Space but continues to serve food every Saturday at 3pm just outside Von King/Tompkins Park (NW corner of Lafayette Ave. & Marcy Ave.). For more info email bedstuyfnb@... or see
Bushwick Food Not Bombs prepares food Thursdays at 11am on the 2nd floor of 13 Thames St. (L to Morgan) and serves at 2pm at Maria Hernandez Park, formerly Bushwick Park, at Knickerbocker Ave. & Starr St. in Brooklyn. For more info email fnbbushwick@... or call (972) 743-5669. All are Welcome!
Wild Food Tours
“Wildman†Steve Brill holds frequent tours where you can learn to find and harvest wild growing plants for food and medicine. Fee is $15 ($10 for children under 12), sliding scale. No one is ever turned away for lack of funds. Upcoming tours in the NYC area are: 10/2, Central Park, Manhattan; 10/9, Forest Park, Kew Gardens, Queens; 10/16, Central Park, Manhattan; 10/23, Prospect Park, Brooklyn; and 10/30, Central Park, Manhattan; plus walks in Connecticut and upstate. Get more info and sign up at
Grub Community Building Meal
1st & 3rd Sunday every month. A mostly freegan dinner for strangers and co-conspirators in a relaxed environment. There is no charge but donations are requested. Doors at 6:30pm; dinner at 7. It has recently been hosted at 136 Lawrence St. 2nd floor, between Fulton & Willoughby in Brooklyn, NY, but double-check to confirm the location!
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Subject: [freegannyc-events] October freegan events
To: FreeganNYC-Events@...
Date: Monday, October 4, 2010, 12:34 AM
If you come to an event & can’t find us, call Janet: (347) 724-6954 unless another contact number is listed in the event details.
More info? ask@... *
Monday, October 4th • Freegan Meeting, Freeganism 101 & Trash Trailblaze
Join us for an organizational meeting to report on working group activities and discuss and decide on policies and activities. Meetings are for volunteers and people interested in volunteering. At 9pm, we will end our business meeting, and have a brief introductory discussion about freeganism. Newcomers are always welcome and encouraged to attend our full meeting, but if you just want an introduction to freeganism, you can come just for the Freeganism 101 discussion. After, we will explore the area’s wasted food and other goods. This tour is of a new area to us, and is for foragers interested in helping explore an area we are less familiar with to add to our list of locations to recommend to others. The meeting and tour are NOT open to media.
When & Where? Meet at 7:30pm at the public atrium at 590 Madison Avenue at 57th Street in Manhattan (formerly the IBM building). To come just for the tour, meet us at 9:30pm just outside the atrium.
Monday, October 18 • Freegan Meeting, Freeganism 101 & Trash Tour
Join us for an organizational meeting to report on working group activities and discuss and decide on policies and activities. Meetings are for volunteers and people interested in volunteering. At 9pm, we will end our business meeting, and have a brief introductory discussion about freeganism. Newcomers are always welcome and encouraged to attend our full meeting, but if you just want an introduction to freeganism, you can come just for the Freeganism 101 discussion. After, we will explore the area’s wasted food and other goods. We give advice on how to salvage these goods and comment on the reasons for such waste. The meeting is NOT open to media, but the tour WILL be open to media that has scheduled in advance.
When & Where? Meet at 7:30pm at the Sakia public atrium, 160 Park Ave. at 42nd St., right across from Grand Central train station in Manhattan. To come just for the tour, meet us at 9:30pm at the northwest corner of 38th St. and 3rd Ave.
Tuesday, October 19 • Freegan Feast
A FREE and mostly vegan community meal made with love from the discards of our wasteful society. We share meal planning, cooking, and other food prep skills, tell stories and jokes, meet new people and reconnect with old friends, and generally unplug from the current world order as we build community. Media WILL be welcome with appointment.
When & Where? RSVP (at least a day ahead) to Janet at (347) 724-6954 for the location. Meet at 5pm to help cook and around 8pm to help eat (and cleanup!)
Sunday, October 24 • Wild Foraging Tour
Join freegan forager Zaac on a guided walk and learn to identify the common flora that surrounds us. Familiar with some of most local, gourmet, and healthy food in the city, Zaac will be sharing first hand experience, including a bicycle trip from the Florida tropics up to the Quebecan tundra on primarily found calories. Bring a bag and anticipations of collecting hickory nuts, roots for tea, small fruits, and mushrooms.
When & Where? 11am-2pm. Meet at 11, at the stone benches at the Grand Army Plaza entrance of Prospect Park in Brooklyn. (Take the 2 train to Grand Army Plaza or the Q train to 7th Ave.) If you have trouble finding us, call Zaac at (203) 571-8866.
Tuesday, October 26 • Media Working Group Meeting
Come to a meeting of the media working group! We'll discuss upcoming media, pending stories, media tracking and media strategy. This meeting is open to everyone who is interested in working with the media, or in working behind the scenes to help with our media interactions. The working group could use some new energy, so please come!
When & Where? Meet at 7pm at the Sakia public atrium, 160 Park Ave. at 42nd St., right across from Grand Central train station in Manhattan.
Sunday, October 31 • Halloween Really Really Free Market
The Really Really Free Market is a bazaar & celebration, where we discard capitalist notions of interaction and have fun trying new models of exchange. Expect and share free food, skills, clothing, books and fun! For more information, contact getyourfreeon@... . If you’d like to help and others gather and prepare food, contact ask@...
When & Where? 3-7pm at Judson Memorial Church at 55 Washington Square South in Manhattan. They won’t be letting folks in early, unless you are signed up ahead of time to volunteer - so either show up at or after 3pm, or contact them at getyourfreeon@... to sign up to help set up!
Freegan Bike Workshop and Sewing Workshop temporarily on hold!
Sadly, because of a eviction of the 123 Community Space, the bike workshop and sewing workshop will not be regularly scheduled while they search for new locations. Check back to see future workshop plans! If you know of a cheap Bed-Stuy basement for rent, let us know!
Ongoing Sustainable and Freegan Events
Lower East Side Ecology Center accepts organic material for composting (fruit and vegetable peelings, cut flowers and similar organic material). LESEC has drop-off bins at the Union Square Greenmarket (Mon, Wed, Fri, & Sat. from 8am-5pm), or drop off at the center on E. 7th St. btwn. Aves. B & C on Sundays, 8am - 5pm. For more info (and summer composting workshops) see
The W. 181st St. Beautification Project has compost drop-off at the garden at 880 W. 181st St. in Washington Heights.
The W. 124th St. Community Garden has compost drop-off at the garden on W. 124th St. between 5th and Lenox in Harlem. More info and hours:
6/15 Green is a public compost site where the general public is invited and encouraged to add compostables during open hours: Tuesdays 3-5pm, Thursdays 6-8pm, Saturdays 10am-2pm, and Sundays 4-8pm, or whenever the gate is open. At the Green Community Garden at 6th Avenue & 15th Street in Park Slope, Brooklyn.
Computer and Electronics Recycling
Per Scholas is a recycling facility in Hunts Point that allows individuals to drop off residential computer & electronic equipment. They accept equipment Mon. to Fri. 9am-4pm at 1575 Bronx River Ave. in the Bronx. For more information, see
The Lower East Side Ecology Center will host e-waste recycling events this month:
10/2, 10am-4pm, Brooklyn Bridge Park, Pier 1, Furman Street between Old Fulton and Doughty St., Brooklyn;
10/2, 10am-4pm, The New New York, Bond Street between 3rd and 4th Streets, Brooklyn;
10/3, 10am-4pm, Delancey Street between Chrystie and Forsyth Street, Manhattan;
10/9, 10am-4pm, Tekserve, 119 W. 23rd Street, Manhattan.
Visit for more info.
Plastics Recycling
Park Slope Food Co-op accepts many plastics for recycling that are NOT collected by the city. They accept: #1 and #6 transparent plastics (but NOT bottles, which NYC recycles), #5 plastics (remove any paper labels), and clear plastic film only. All plastics must be CLEAN AND DRY. They’re open every month on the 2nd Sat, 10am-2pm; the 3rd Thurs, 7pm-9pm; & the last Sun, 10am-2pm. The co-op is at 782 Union St. (btwn. 6th & 7th Aves.) in Park Slope. See:
Whole Foods now accepts #5 plastics and Brita filters (bagged after being allowed to dry out for 3 days) at their stores at Union Square, Columbus Circle, Greenwhich St. Columbus Ave, 7th Ave, and Houston St.
Weekly Bike Repair Workshops by Times Up
Times Up! bike repair workshops in two locations! See for more info.
MANHATTAN WORKSHOPS are at ABC No Rio, at 156 Rivington St. in the Lower East Side.
Tuesday: Bike Repair Workshops: 6:30pm. Learn to fix bikes, do simple maintenance & tune-ups.
Thursday: Fix Your Bike Workshop: Every Thurs, 6:30 p.m. Share skills and fix up your own bike.
BROOKLYN WORKSHOPS are at the Brooklyn space at 99 South 6th St, off Bedford Ave.
Monday: Women & Trans Bike Repair Workshop: 6:30pm. No previous experience required.
Wednesday: Fix Your Bike Workshop: 6:30 p.m. Share skills and fix up your own bike.
Sunday: Bike Repair Workshops: Lessons from 4-6 p.m., Open Workshop from 6-8 p.m.
The Monday, Tuesday and Sunday Bike Repair Workshops will all follow the same schedule for instruction:
1st Sunday- Basics for Beginners
2nd Sunday- Brakes and Gears
3rd Sunday- Cups, Cones, and Bearings
4th Sunday- Wheels and Spokes
Sunday, October 17 • Sewing Rebellion
The Sewing Rebellion is a protest in the form of a skill share, where participantsare invited to emancipate themselves from dependence on the global garmentindustry by learning (and sharing) the skills to produce, alter and mend their own garments.The Sewing Rebellion encourages the reuse, renovation and recycling of existing garments and textiles in the creation of unique clothing tailored to individualtastes and body shapes. For more info, see
When and Where? From 4 to 6:30pm at Spacecraft, at 355 Bedford Avenue, between South 4th and South 5th Streets in Williamsburg, Brooklyn – take the L to Bedford or the J train to Marcy.
Textile Recycling
Of course, the best thing to do with clothes and other textiles is to reuse them! BUT, if you have scraps that can’t be used even one more time, there is textile recycling (see for more info):
Fridays: 8am-2pm at the 97th St. Greenmarket, 97th & Columbus in Manhattan
Saturdays: 8am-6pm at the Union Square Greenmarket in Manhattan;
8am-4pm at the Grand Army Plaza Greenmarket in Brooklyn;
8am-3pm at the Inwood Greenmarket on Isham St between Seaman & Cooper in Manhattan;
8am-3pm at the Fort Greene Greenmarket in Washington Park at DeKalb in Brooklyn; and
8am-2pm at the McCarren Park Greenmarket on Bedford & Lorimer in Greenpoint, Brooklyn.
Sundays: 8am-4pm at the Tompkins Square Greenmarket, E. 7th St. & Ave. A; and
8am-3pm at the Jackson Heights Greenmarket, 34th Ave. between 77th and 78th Streets.
Mondays: 8am-6pm at the Union Square Greenmarket in Manhattan
Food Not Bombs
Food Not Bombs in Manhattan offers a vegetarian meal share (using donated food that would otherwise be wasted) Sundays at 3:30pm in Tompkins Square Park. Help cook at ABC No Rio, 156 Rivington St. btwn. Clinton & Suffolk at 1pm. More info: fnb@... or (212) 254-3697 ext. 27
Bed-Stuy Food Not Bombs is currently looking for other cooking spaces after the eviction of the 123 Community Space but continues to serve food every Saturday at 3pm just outside Von King/Tompkins Park (NW corner of Lafayette Ave. & Marcy Ave.). For more info email bedstuyfnb@... or see
Bushwick Food Not Bombs prepares food Thursdays at 11am on the 2nd floor of 13 Thames St. (L to Morgan) and serves at 2pm at Maria Hernandez Park, formerly Bushwick Park, at Knickerbocker Ave. & Starr St. in Brooklyn. For more info email fnbbushwick@... or call (972) 743-5669. All are Welcome!
Wild Food Tours
“Wildman†Steve Brill holds frequent tours where you can learn to find and harvest wild growing plants for food and medicine. Fee is $15 ($10 for children under 12), sliding scale. No one is ever turned away for lack of funds. Upcoming tours in the NYC area are: 10/2, Central Park, Manhattan; 10/9, Forest Park, Kew Gardens, Queens; 10/16, Central Park, Manhattan; 10/23, Prospect Park, Brooklyn; and 10/30, Central Park, Manhattan; plus walks in Connecticut and upstate. Get more info and sign up at
Grub Community Building Meal
1st & 3rd Sunday every month. A mostly freegan dinner for strangers and co-conspirators in a relaxed environment. There is no charge but donations are requested. Doors at 6:30pm; dinner at 7. It has recently been hosted at 136 Lawrence St. 2nd floor, between Fulton & Willoughby in Brooklyn, NY, but double-check to confirm the location!
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Unabomber aims for best-seller
The Independent
By Guy Adams in Los Angeles
October 3, 2010
From behind bars, former academic sets out the Luddite philosophy behind his murderous anti-technology campaign
His last published work was a 35,000-word "manifesto" that explained the motivation behind the 17-year terrorist campaign which made him one of America's most wanted men. Now, unperturbed by the fact that the manifesto's appearance led to his eventual identification, arrest and imprisonment for life, Theodore Kaczynski has decided to release his first book.
By Guy Adams in Los Angeles
October 3, 2010
From behind bars, former academic sets out the Luddite philosophy behind his murderous anti-technology campaign
His last published work was a 35,000-word "manifesto" that explained the motivation behind the 17-year terrorist campaign which made him one of America's most wanted men. Now, unperturbed by the fact that the manifesto's appearance led to his eventual identification, arrest and imprisonment for life, Theodore Kaczynski has decided to release his first book.
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