Friday, August 7, 2009

"Dear Friends,
Greetings from the Sonoran Desert and the desks of the Earth First! Journal!!! After spending a week in southern Oregon for this summers’ Round River Rendezvous, the Earth First! Journal Collective has been hard at work on the next issue of the Journal.
With many thanks to a generous donation from our poetry editor, we were able to mail out the Lughnasadh July/August 2009 edition of the Earth First! Journal. We hope all of our subscribers have received their copy of the EF! Journal and encourage folks to e-mail us if there is ever a problem with your subscription.
Next week we will mail out our annual summer donation letter and want to thank everyone for making a contribution of any size to help with finances. The financial state of the Journal does not effect the quality of the publication but it certainly makes it difficult to mail it out, as well as keep the bills paid! Luckily…
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