Veganarchy is a free, independently published magazine, aka “zine.” It’s purpose is to provide an outlet for creatively-produced content regarding veganism, anarchism, and related issues. We accept submissions on a continual basis, so send us an email if you'd like to contribute!
Veganarchy Issue #1 - Summer 2009
It’s finally here! The finishing touches have been added to the zine, and it is now ripe and ready for your gleeful vegan consumption.
Special thanks go out to the following contributors for this inaugural issue of the zine:
- Dee Allen
- Jenna and Bob Torres
- Elizabeth Fiend
There are three ways for you to enjoy the zine.
1. Paper version: As always, you can send us an email with “Zine Please” in the subject line requesting we snailmail you a [free] paper copy. Make sure to include your mailing address in the message body if you choose to go this route. We’re still working on labeling printed zines and mailing them out to those of you who have already requested one, so hang tight!
If you know of any sweet vegan or anarchist establishments that you think the zine would feel welcomed at, feel free to request a stack of them and we’ll mail them out to you for distribution.
You can also choose to download the zine in one of two .pdf versions. Click the links below to download:
2. Print version: If you plan to print the zine out on paper so you have a hard copy of it, this is the version for you. The .pdf is formated for printing on 6 double-sided pieces of paper folded in half.
3. Read version: If you simply plan to download the zine and read it on your computer without printing it out, this is the version for you. The pages are in chronological order and all links are clickable.
Enjoy, and please consider donating (see the site’s sidebar) or visiting the Veganarchy Store.
If you have anything you’ve created that you would like to be considered for inclusion in the next issue of the zine, you are in luck! Simply send it to us with the phrase “Zine Submission” in the subject line.
It is important that this phrase be included in the subject line because of the filters we use in our email. We don’t want to miss considering your submission simply because it didn’t end up in the correct spot in our inbox!
-Joshua Jud
Editor, Veganarchy Zine
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